Susan I. McLellan


Susan I. McLellan
Our medical malpractice attorneys’ expertise consistently proves critical to effective cross-examination of opposing experts and asserting successful defenses that often turn on a standard of care or causation issue that might be missed without a thorough understanding of medicine and the law.
Our experience also means our attorneys develop expertise in, and focus their attention on, particular medical fields, such as cancer, cardiology, emergency practice and gynecology. The depth and breadth of our trial attorneys’ knowledge allows us to quickly and efficiently develop a thorough strategy.
See Also: Dental Malpractice
No medical malpractice claim can be litigated without an intimate knowledge of the law unique to medical malpractice. Recent legislative efforts at tort reform have resulted in a modest decrease in the number of medical lawsuits filed. At the same time, however, these efforts have produced a complicated set of statutes and appellate decisions.
Our attorneys guide health care providers and their carriers through complicated medical and legal issues. Our knowledge ensures that we advise clients proactively to avoid legal pitfalls inherent in contemporary medical practice, identify and pursue innovative legal arguments, and aggressively pursue motions to dismiss or limit the scope of the plaintiff’s claims.
Our medical malpractice attorneys are experienced trial attorneys with expertise in trying medical malpractice, dental malpractice, personal injury, and other professional liability cases. We have defended at trial numerous cases against nursing homes, cardiologists, neurologists, urologists, nurses, hospitals, dentists, and providers in virtually all aspects of health care. We are prepared to try every case and believe that preparation gives our clients the strongest tactical advantage and the best position to achieve a favorable outcome.
Our experience and integrity as lawyers have allowed us to establish good relationships with highly qualified, credible local and national specialists to serve as expert witnesses. Our contacts are not limited to the courtroom, and provide access to specialists for consultation on strategy and the medical and legal issues confronting our clients. Partnering with health professionals benefits our clients and strengthens our ties with the healthcare community across the country.
There is no question the cost of medical malpractice cases keeps going up. The rising cost impacts what physicians pay for liability insurance and, in turn, what they must charge for their services.
We strive to reduce this expense, from coordinating the work to be done with other defendants (when possible) to utilizing state-of-the-art technology that streamlines communication, document preparation and legal research.
We look to dismiss or limit cases at the earliest juncture. This approach includes looking for innovative legal arguments and constantly monitoring changes and developments in statutory and case law affecting medical malpractice issues. We use video conferencing facilities and on-line reporting capability to reduce travel and processing costs. Our background as medical malpractice attorneys also means we review medical records and process information faster and less expensively than attorneys with less experience in this area.
Schneider & Onofry meets the legal needs of companies and individuals throughout Arizona from offices in Phoenix and Yuma.
Schneider & Onofry is structured to meet the anticipated needs of specific groups of clients, ranging from individuals and families to major corporations.