Schneider & Onofry attorneys Jon Schneider and Susan McLellan have significant experience in defending nursing homes, group homes, long-term care facilities, hospitals, doctors and nurses against alleged civil violations of the Arizona Protective Services Act (APSA). We have defended clients in more than 50 APSA claims.
As was reported in May 2017 on the Arizona Department of Economic Securities website (Adult Protective Services), many allegations of elder abuse involve “self-neglect situations where the adult’s safety or well-being is being compromised by their inability to take care of their basic needs, their medical needs, their finances, their home environment or their personal hygiene.” Such credible observations cast in a more positive light the allegations of abuse often leveled against care facilities, and Schneider & Onofry is skilled in presenting a persuasive, accurate defense of such facilities.
Aware of the large potential damages and litigation costs of taking elder abuse cases to trial, our attorneys identify early in the process when a case should be fought in court or settled.
Our experience and integrity as lawyers have allowed us to establish good relationships with highly qualified, credible local and national specialists to serve as expert witnesses. Our contacts are not limited to the courtroom and provide access to specialists for consultation on strategy and the medical, legal and standard-of-care issues confronting our clients.
A significant challenge in many elder abuse cases is cross-examining the opposing party’s witnesses. We have seen cases dismissed or settled for minimal amounts after the deposition of the plaintiff’s expert who was forced to concede faulty assumptions, incomplete information, or an incorrect analysis that undermined their opinions.
Schneider & Onofry meets the legal needs of companies and individuals throughout Arizona from offices in Phoenix and Yuma.
Schneider & Onofry is structured to meet the anticipated needs of specific groups of clients, ranging from individuals and families to major corporations.