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Yuma, Arizona Social Media Divorce
By Schneider & Onofry, P.C.
13 Aug, 2020
Increasingly, more people are noting that the cause of their divorce is due to social media use. Social media leads to weekly arguments…

Yuma: Annulment Versus Divorce
Annulment and divorce are
both legal processes that ultimately lead to the dissolution of a marriage.
Most marriages end in divorce because most marriages are considered legitimate
under the law. But, what happens if a marriage for some…

Yuma: How Divorce Might Impact Your Health Care Coverage
Divorce is a highly emotional decision, but it is also a practical and legal decision that can impact various aspects of your life—from your bank accounts to your health care coverage. If you rely on your spouse’s health insurance for you…

International Divorce: When a Partner Lives Abroad and You Live in Yuma
If your partner is not a member of the military (military divorce laws differ from international divorces), but your partner lives abroad, and you are considering getting divorced, you may have a range of questions about how to go about getting…

Yuma: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from Auto Accidents and Your Rights
Have you been hurt in a car accident in Yuma, Arizona? A serious car crash can leave victims suffering from a range of physical injuries and disabilities. Yet, what isn’t often discussed in the wake of a serious accident is the reality that…

Maria Lomeli Named a Partner in the Firm
Yuma, Arizona Social Media Divorce
By Schneider & Onofry, P.C.
13 Aug, 2020
Increasingly, more people are noting that the cause of their divorce is due to social media use. Social media leads to weekly arguments…

Do You Need a Cohabitation Agreement in Yuma, Arizona?
Are you planning to move in with your partner? If you are not married, have you and your partner agreed about the rights and responsibilities each of you will share and have in your relationship? For example, have you made clear how rent or…

How Are Stocks Divided During a Divorce in Yuma, Arizona?
If you are getting divorced in Yuma, Arizona, you and your partner will need to make decisions about how you’ll divide your assets and debts. It can be difficult enough to decide how to split the value of a shared home, split bank accounts,…

New Subchapter V Law Provides More Streamlined Bankruptcy Relief for Small Businesses
The new law can provide an easier, less expensive, and quicker option for many small business debtors to confirm debt restructuring plans.Either an individual or an entity (e.g., a corporation or LLC) can be a small business debtor. If the small…

Arizona Loan and Lease Workouts in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
A successful workout can avoid the need for a bankruptcy filing and all of its attendant time, expense, delay, disruption, and uncertainty.Why engage in workout negotiations if you are on the receiving end of contractual payments? Take, for…