How to Choose Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Yuma, Arizona
If you’ve been seriously injured in an accidentin Yuma, Arizona, you may have many questions about the
next steps you should take. You might be facing a range of new challenges—from
making insurance claims, making demands against negligent…
Brian Spector is the Arizona Consumer Bankruptcy Counsel “Member of the Year”
© 2013-2021. Schneider & Onofry, P.C., Phoenix-Yuma · Se habla español.The act of visiting or communicating with Schneider & Onofry, P.C., via this website or by email does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Communications from…
Personal Injury Lawyers in Yuma, Arizona
If you or a loved one were hurt in a car accident, truck accident, or due to the negligence or neglect of another person or party, you may be facing a range of unique challenges. Unexpected medical bills can leave families struggling to make…
Need Divorce Lawyers in Yuma, Arizona?
While divorce begins as a personal and private decision, it is also a legal process involving courts, your finances, your children, and your future. Much is on the line during the process. This is why it is important to find a qualified divorce…
Child Support Lawyers and Custody Attorneys in Yuma, Arizona
Arizona’s child support guidelines offer standards for families to calculate child support. Because child support is based on each parent’s gross income, it is important that both parents are truthful when reporting this income. Income…
Family Law Lawyers in Yuma, Arizona
Schneider & Onofry, P.C., Attorneys at Law are qualified family law attorneys working in Yuma, Arizona. Our firm offers compassionate and caring counsel to families and individuals facing tough family law questions and concerns. We take the…
Auto Accident Lawyers in Yuma, Arizona
According to the Centers for Disease Control, car accident deaths alone cost Arizona residents an estimated $1.05 billion each year. These figures account for medical expenses and lost productivity resulting from these accidents, but these…
Accident Lawyers in Yuma, Arizona
Schneider & Onofry, P.C. is an accident law firm in Yuma, Arizona committed to helping accident victims move forward after suffering serious injuries. Our firm works closely with victims and families to help them seek compensation from insurance…
Summary Judgment in Retaliation Claim Against Town of Quartzsite
U.S. District Court Judge Mark Aspey granted the motion, which imposes liability on all defendants for the wrongful termination action.In 2011, police officers filed complaints against Gilbert with the Town Council, the Department of Public…
Court of Appeals Vacates Punitive Damage Award Against Insurance Company
This lawsuit involved a claim by the insured that the insurance company engaged in bad-faith claim-handling by underpaying on a theft loss claim. The jury awarded the plaintiff $750,000 in punitive damages, more than seven times the amount awarded…